Simple Pager



eyebowText{ prev: string; next: string } (optional)Text labels for the previous and next navigation links.
prev{ url: string; title?: string; description?: string } (optional)Configuration for the previous page link, including URL, title, and description.
next{ url: string; title?: string; description?: string } (optional)Configuration for the next page link, including URL, title, and description.
localestring (optional)Locale of the links.
customLinkComponentLinkComponent (optional)Custom link component for the pager links.
classNamestring (optional)Custom CSS class for additional styling.


This component allows for custom styles via the className prop:

  • Custom class can be applied for further styling.


  • The SimplePager is designed to facilitate easy navigation between sequential content pages.
  • Offers clear, straightforward options for moving to previous or next pages.
  • Ideal for blogs, articles, or any paginated content.