


triggerReact.ReactNodeThe element used to toggle the visibility of the content.
contentReact.ReactNodeThe content that is shown or hidden based on the trigger's state.
classNames{ root?: string; trigger?: string; content?: string } (optional)Custom class names for different parts of the Collapsible.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall Collapsible component.
  • trigger: CSS class for styling the trigger element.
  • content: CSS class for styling the collapsible content.


  • The Collapsible component is useful for creating sections of content that can be shown or hidden, helping to manage screen real estate effectively.
  • It provides a simple interaction model, making it user-friendly and efficient for disclosing additional information as needed.
  • Suitable for FAQs, dropdown details, and more.