

GitHub repository


children{ value: string, trigger: React.ReactNode, content: React.ReactNode }[]An array of objects representing each tab, with a unique value, a trigger element, and tab content.
defaultValuestring (optional)The value of the initially selected tab.
classNames{ root?: string; list?: string; trigger?: string; content?: string } (optional)Custom class names for different parts of the Tabs component.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall Tabs component.
  • list: CSS class for styling the list of tab triggers.
  • trigger: CSS class for styling each tab trigger.
  • content: CSS class for styling the content area of each tab.


  • The Tabs component enhances the organization of content into separate, easily navigable sections.
  • Allows for dynamic creation of tabs based on provided data.
  • Ideal for settings, segmented controls, or information categorization.