


options{ value: string; label: string }[]An array of options for the combobox, each with a value and a label.
triggerVariant'default' | 'secondary' | 'outline' | 'destructive' | 'ghost' | 'link' (optional)The variant style of the trigger button.
selectPlaceholderstring (optional)Placeholder text for the select button when no value is selected.
searchPlaceholderstring (optional)Placeholder text for the search input inside the dropdown.
emptyPlaceholderstring (optional)Placeholder text to display when the search yields no results.
defaultValuestring (optional)The default value of the combobox.
onSelect(value: string) => void (optional)Callback function that triggers when an option is selected.
classNames{ trigger?: string; content?: string } (optional)Custom class names for the trigger button and dropdown content.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • trigger: CSS class for styling the trigger button.
  • content: CSS class for styling the dropdown content.


  • The combobox combines a button and a dropdown list.
  • Users can select an option from the list or use the search input to filter options.
  • Supports custom styling and various trigger button variants.
  • Features placeholders for different states and an optional default value.