


links{ title: string; icon?: React.ReactNode; href?: string }[] (optional)An array of objects representing each breadcrumb link, with a title, optional icon, and href.
separatorReact.ReactNode (optional)A custom separator to display between breadcrumb items.
localestring (optional)Locale of the links.
customLinkComponentLinkComponent (optional)Custom link component for the breadcrumb links.
classNames{ root?: string; item?: string } (optional)Custom class names for the breadcrumb and its items.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall Breadcrumb component.
  • item: CSS class for styling each breadcrumb item.


  • The Breadcrumb component aids in navigation and provides a visual representation of the user's path within an application or website.
  • Supports custom links and icons for enhanced usability and visual appeal.
  • Includes a responsive design with a collapsible interface for complex navigation paths.