Header Section




Header description



Header with image

This is the header with image


titlestringThe title text of the header section.
descriptionstringOptional description text.
eyebrowstringOptional eyebrow text, typically a short, uppercased introductory text.
image{ src: string; alt: string; sizes?: string }Optional background image with source, alt text, and sizes.
imageOverlaybooleanToggles the presence of an image overlay for styling.
childrenReact.ReactNodeAdditional child elements to be rendered in the header.
classNames{ root?: string; textBlock?: string; eyebrow?: string; title?: string; description?: string; image?: string; imageOverlay?: string }Class names for custom styling of various parts of the header section.


The component uses utility classes for styling, which can be customized through the classNames prop. Specific style classes include:

  • root: The main container of the header.
  • textBlock: The container for text elements (eyebrow, title, and description).
  • eyebrow: The styling for the eyebrow text.
  • title: The styling for the title.
  • description: The styling for the description text.
  • image: The styling for the background image.
  • imageOverlay: The styling for the image overlay.