Navigation Menu



  • NavHorizontal and NavVertical components provide versatile navigation options suited for different layout needs.
  • Support for both link and group type navigation items, enabling complex navigation structures.
  • Customizable appearance and behavior, fitting various design requirements.


itemsNavItem[]An array of navigation items, each can be a link or a group containing sub-items.
localestring (optional)Locale of the links.
customLinkComponentLinkComponent (optional)Custom link component for the navigation links.
classNames{ root?: string; list?: string; item?: string; trigger?: string; content?: string } (optional)Custom class names for different parts of the NavHorizontal.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall NavHorizontal component.
  • list: CSS class for styling the list of navigation items.
  • item: CSS class for styling each navigation item.
  • trigger: CSS class for styling the trigger element for sub-items.
  • content: CSS class for styling the content area of sub-items.


itemsNavItem[]An array of navigation items, each can be a link or a group containing sub-items.
selectedIdstring (optional)The ID of the currently selected navigation item.
showLabelboolean (optional)Whether to show labels next to icons.
hideIconboolean (optional)Whether to hide icons in navigation items.
localestring (optional)Locale of the links.
customLinkComponentLinkComponent (optional)Custom link component for the navigation links.
classNames{ root?: string; list?: string; item?: string; iconContainer?: string } (optional)Custom class names for different parts of the NavVertical.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall NavVertical component.
  • list: CSS class for styling the list of navigation items.
  • item: CSS class for styling each navigation item.
  • iconContainer: CSS class for styling the icon container in each item.

A union type that can be either a NavLink or a NavGroup. This allows for creating a navigation structure that can have both individual links and grouped links.

Represents an individual navigation link.

  • type: Optional. Specifies the type of the item, typically 'link'.
  • id: Unique identifier for the navigation link.
  • title: The display text for the link.
  • description: Optional. Additional information about the link.
  • href: Optional. The URL that the link points to.
  • icon: Optional. An icon displayed alongside the link.
  • onClick: Optional. A function to execute when the link is clicked.

Defines a group of navigation links.

  • type: Specifies the type of the item, 'group'.
  • id: Unique identifier for the group.
  • title: The display text for the group.
  • description: Optional. Additional information about the group.
  • icon: Optional. An icon displayed alongside the group title.
  • onClick: Optional. A function to execute when the group title is clicked.
  • subItems: An array of NavLink items belonging to the group.