
The Accordion component is a versatile UI element for displaying collapsible content panels. It supports single or multiple panel expansion, default open settings, and customizable styling.


The Avatar component displays user profile pictures or initials, while the AvatarGroup presents multiple avatars in a grouped layout. Both support customizable sizes, borders, and styles.


The Badge component is a versatile UI element for displaying labels, tags, or indicators, optionally as a link. It supports various styles like default, secondary, outline, and destructive.


The Carousel component is a customizable slider that can be used to display a series of content in a horizontal or vertical format. It supports features like autoplay, looping, and dynamic orientation.


The Collapsible component offers a simple way to hide and reveal content interactively. It consists of a trigger for toggling visibility and a content area, both customizable in style.


The Socials component provides a sleek interface for displaying social media icons as clickable buttons, allowing users to easily connect to various social media platforms.


The Stepper component visually represents a sequence of steps or progress through stages. It includes titles, optional descriptions, icons, and custom content for each step.


The Table component presents data in a structured tabular format, featuring a customizable caption, headers, and rows. It supports extensive styling options for various table elements.


The Tabs component provides a user-friendly interface for tabbed navigation, allowing content to be organized and switched between tabs. It supports custom triggers, content, and extensive styling options.

Alert Dialog

The Alert Dialog component is a modal dialog that interrupts the user to get a response, typically for confirmations. It supports custom content, action buttons, and extensive styling options.


The Command component is a customizable command palette that allows users to execute commands or navigate to different parts of the application. It supports customizable groups, items with actions, keyboard shortcuts, and an optional input field.

Context Menu

The Context Menu component is a versatile menu system for web applications, allowing for various types of menu items including default, checkbox, radio group, and separators. It supports submenus, keyboard shortcuts, and extensive customization.


A responsive React component that renders a dialog on desktop screens and a drawer on smaller screens, with customizable triggers, titles, descriptions, content, and footers.

Dropdown Menu

The Dropdown Menu component offers a customizable dropdown menu with various item types like default, checkbox, radio group, and separators. It allows for submenus, keyboard shortcuts, and extensive style customization.

Hover Card

The Hover Card component is a user interface element that displays additional information in a card format when a user hovers over a specified trigger element. It supports customization through class names.


The Menubar component provides a flexible, customizable menu bar interface for web applications, featuring various item types like default, checkbox, radio group, and separators. It supports submenus, keyboard shortcuts, and extensive styling options.


The Popover component displays a floating content panel anchored to a trigger element. It supports custom content and allows for styling customization through class names.


The Sheet component provides a slide-over panel that can be used for displaying additional information or controls. It supports optional elements like title, description, and footer, and allows customization of its position and style.


The Tooltip component displays a small information box when hovering over its child element. It supports custom content, offset control, and class customization.