

Card 1

Content 1

Card 2

Content 2

Card 3

Content 3

Card 4

Content 4

Card 5

Content 5

Card 6

Content 6


childrenReact.ReactNode[]The content to be displayed within the carousel.N/A
orientation"horizontal" | "vertical"The orientation of the carousel.N/A
align"start" | "center" | "end"Alignment of the carousel content."start"
loopbooleanWhether the carousel should loop its content.true
autoplaybooleanEnables automatic transitioning between carousel items.true
autoplayDelaynumberDelay (in ms) before transitioning to the next item.4000
buttonPropsButtonPropsProps to be passed to the navigation buttons.N/A
classNames{ root?, content?, item?, button? }Custom CSS class names for styling various parts of the carousel.N/A


The Carousel component supports custom styling through the classNames prop. Each key in the classNames object corresponds to a different part of the Carousel:

  • root: The main container of the Carousel.
  • content: The container for the Carousel items.
  • item: Individual Carousel items (default: "md:basis-1/2 lg:basis-1/3").
  • button: The previous and next navigation buttons.

These class names allow for extensive customization and responsive design adjustments.