

  1. 1

    Step 1

    This is the first step

  2. 2

    Step 2

    This is the second step

  3. 3

    Step 3

    This is the third step


childrenStep[]An array of step objects, each containing a title, optional description, icon, and custom content.
showIndexboolean (optional)If true, displays the index number for each step.
classNames{ root?: string; index?: string; title?: string; description?: string } (optional)Custom class names for different parts of the Stepper.


Represents a single step in the stepper.

titleThe title or main headline for the step.string
description?An additional description or details for the step.string
icon?Optional icon that represents the step.React.ReactNode
content?Optional content or elements to display for the step.React.ReactNode


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • root: CSS class for styling the overall Stepper component.
  • index: CSS class for styling the index or icon indicator of each step.
  • title: CSS class for styling the title of each step.
  • description: CSS class for styling the description of each step.


  • The Stepper component is ideal for guiding users through a multi-step process or displaying progress through stages.
  • Supports both numerical indices and custom icons to denote each step.
  • Enhances the user experience in scenarios like form wizards, checkout processes, or instructional content.