Date Picker



triggerVariant'default' | 'secondary' | 'outline' | 'destructive' | 'ghost' | 'link' (optional)The variant style of the trigger button.
placeholderstring (optional)Placeholder text for the button when no date is selected.
mode'single' | 'range' (optional)The selection mode of the DatePicker, either 'single' or 'range'.
defaultValueDate (optional)The default selected date for single mode.
onSelect(value: Date) => void (optional)Callback function when a date is selected in single mode.
defaultRangeDateRange (optional)The default selected date range for range mode.
onRangeSelect(value: DateRange) => void (optional)Callback function when a date range is selected in range mode.
rangeOfMonthsnumber (optional)Number of months to display in range mode.
classNames{ trigger?: string; content?: string } (optional)Custom class names for the trigger button and calendar content.


This component allows for custom styles via the classNames prop:

  • trigger: CSS class for styling the trigger button.
  • content: CSS class for styling the calendar content.


  • The DatePicker supports both single date and range selections.
  • Features a calendar pop-up for easy date picking.
  • Can be initialized with default values for single date or date range.